Definition of Laxative:

Laxatives (L. laxare, to loose) increase or hasten intestinal evacuations: which excite moderate peristalsis, giving soft movements without irritation: magnesia, manna, sulfur, tamarind, almond and olive oils, fig, prune, oatmeal [Culbreth1927, pg 44].

Laxatives promote or stimulate active bowel movement. Most laxatives contain anthraquinone glycosides and are well indicated for long term, chronic use [Brammer BOTM744].

Used with sluggish emptying of the bowel with dry and hard stool to actively promote bowel movements. Bowel cleansing used in catarrhal conditions and high blood pressure as well as with other conditions for which eliminative remedies apply [Sanchez BOTM680].

Works by stimulating peristalsis; will not change chronic constipation. Used with dry, hard stools, mucousy stools, short term therapy! [Palmer2004].

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